Personal data of our users is one of the areas of which we take special care and pay special attention. Therefore, we use several security-protection systems in our on-line store that provide adequate protection against loss, unwanted alteration or misuse of data.
By using our website, you agree that we obtain, store, process, and use your information. On this website, we will promptly keep you informed of the changes in terms and rules.
If you have any questions regarding the protection of personal data, or if you need additional explanation of the content on this website, you can contact us using our contact form, by emailing us at or sending us a letter to Magistrat International, d. o. o., Kotnikova 28, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Our data protection officer is Nina Lenardič; you can contact her by email at

Which data do we collect and process?

We collect the following data of users for business needs and to provide better services to all users:

  • first and last name

  • billing and delivery address, place and country

  • e-mail address and password (applies only to registered users)

  • mobile number

  • place and time of registration and placing the order

  • payment information (first name, last name, address, payment method)

  • order history

For what purposes and why do we use the acquired data?

Registration and shopping

Personal data are collected, stored and processed for the execution of sales processes (fulfilment of orders, delivery of goods, invoicing and necessary communication with customers), resolution of complaints and other claims, with the purpose of statistical processing of data and monitoring the activities for the preparation of personalized offers and actions and for direct marketing and informing potential buyers.

Newsletter sign-up

The register is also intended for informing about promotions and discounts, new arrivals, current fashion trends and special offers and items, followed by the registered user, if he subscribes to this newsletter.

Data profiling (segmentation)

With the data stated above, we conduct data profiling (segmentation). We do that so we can send you and inform you about the most relevant offers, content and services, tailored specifically to your needs.

Who has access to your personal data?

Only authorized employees of the company Magistrat International, d. o. o., can access your personal data. The user explicitly agrees that the operator may provide certain personal data (name, surname, phone number, e-mail address, postal code) to the contracted processors of the personal data collection operator with whom the latter have or will have concluded contracts for the processing of personal data and which processes or will process the data on his behalf and for his account. Contracted processors are delivery services, prize games’ organizers, etc.
Because we respect your privacy, we will not transfer, sell or exchange your personal information with any unauthorized third party. In no case will your personal data be passed on to third countries or international organizations.

How long do we keep your data?

The data is kept all the time until the registered user requests a deletion. When a request for cancellation is made, the data that are not needed to prove tax burdens are permanently deleted from the records, and the auxiliary support media are safely destroyed. The accounting documents are kept for 10 years, as is necessary to prove tax liabilities.

How do we protect your data?

We protect our site and other systems from loss, destruction, access, editing and changing of your personal data by third parties. In the on-line ordering process, your payment data are sent encrypted.

Legal basis for collecting personal data and withdrawal of consent

We collect, store and process personal data based on your explicit consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by sending us a letter or an email to This will not affect the legitimacy of data processing that was conducted based on your consent and until the withdrawal. We will delete the data to the extent and under condition that there are no legal reasons for further storage of personal data.

Changing your personal data and the right to forget

The user has the right to change the data or the right to forget. The data can be changed by yourself when entering into your account. The right to forget (delete data) is accomplished by letter or e-mail to, to the extent and provided there are no legitimate reasons for the further retention of personal data.
The user may at any time, in writing or by e-mail, request from the data controller to permanently or temporarily discontinue to use his personal data for the purpose of direct marketing. The operator will within 15 days appropriately prevent the use of personal data for the purpose of direct marketing and inform the user about this.

Exceptional disclosure of your personal data

The data collected and processed by Magistrat International, d. o. o. will only be disclosed if you give special consent for such disclosure or if it is so determined by law and/or in good faith that such action is necessary for proceedings before courts or other state authorities and for the protection and enforcement of legitimate interests of Magistrat International, d. o. o.

Right to information, right to object and other rights

In accordance with the legislation, you have the right to ask at any time and to be informed about your personal data stored in our company. The right also includes repairing, ban on the use and deleting your personal data from our system. You can exercise your rights by sending us a letter or email to

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

You can file a complaint with the Information Commissioner (address: Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, email:, phone: 012309730, website:


If you subscribe to our newsletter, your email address will be used for promotional purposes and for information on discounts, benefits, trends and novelties. If you no longer want to receive our e-news, you can opt out of them at any time and in a simple way by clicking the link Unsubscribe at the bottom of each of our emails.


Emarsys works through cookies and tracking pixels. We use it for personalization, analytics, automation, sending e-mails and to create tailored advertisements on digital platforms like Google and Facebook. If you give your consent to receive e-news or have entered your email address in connection with a purchase in our online store, your personal data will be collected by Emarsys and combined into a (pseudonymized) user profile which can be assigned to your email address. When you visit our website, the data collected by Emarsys can also be merged into a (pseudonymized) user profile if you had given your consent to receive our e-news at one of our physical stores. We process the following data: if you have opened our e-news, what you have clicked on, when and how much time you have spent in our online store, what items and categories you have looked at, what you have purchased and when, from what category, at what price and if you have completed the check-out process.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that the website sends to your browser when you visit it. In this way, the website recognizes you, remembers your visit information, and provides you with a friendly and easy-to-use on-line services.

Why are cookies needed and useful?

Cookies help us analyse our web traffic information and improve our website by tailoring it to your individual needs.
Cookies help you to easily orient yourself in a multitude of information and functionality. With cookies, the browsing our on-line store is more comfortable, quicker, and above all more effective. Upon your next visit, the login is simpler, and the page display is always the same as you selected it at last visit, and it is also easier to find the items you wanted to buy in the past.
With cookies we do not collect information by means of which we can personally identify you and adjust prices or margins. Cookies are crucial for the operation of our site and without them we cannot enable you unhindered access to the website.

Why do we use cookies?

On our website we use cookies for:

  1. A better user experience of the website – by tailoring the display of content to the visitors based on past visits.

  2. Identifying your device (computer, tablet, mobile phone) – by adjusting the content display to the visitors, according to the selected device.

  3. Monitoring the visit – so that we can check the performance of content display and the relevance of the advertisement, and continually improve the website.

  4. Saving the choice when creating a short-list of offer and their comparison.

Which cookies do we collect?

By the mode of use, we distinguish 2 types of cookies: session and long-term (permanent) cookies. At the beginning of the visit, a session cookie is assigned to each user for identification and monitoring the shopping bag. However, Magistrat International, d. o. o. can also store other cookies on your computer, for example, the user ID in encrypted format (for identification at the next visit) and the cookies Google Analytics system (for website visit analysis).
On our website you can also get Google, Facebook and YouTube cookies on your device, or these pages may read your cookie when visiting our website. These pages can use the data collected in this way for various purposes, from analytics, advertising, to the improvement of their items.

List of cookies we use on this website:

Name Purpose Expiration Provider


This cookie is used for user identification over non-SSL connections. It contains user session values such as session login time and session identifier information (user ID and store ID).

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


This cookie is created at the beginning of the session.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


This cookie exists only if it is a generic user (-1002) session. It stores the session values such as store ID and language ID.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


This cookie is used to authenticate the user over SSL-connections. For increased security, it has a timestamp with a signature.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


This cookie contains the value of the store ID of the session. This value is used to select the store to run the command, if one is not specified on the URL.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Active Order ID for the store.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Subtotal of order items (before tax and shipping), number of items, language, currency.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Cookie to force refresh of other mini shopping cart cookies.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Physical stores that customer selects.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Pick-up store ID that customer selects.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Shipping type value: single or multiple

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


The order ID that corresponds to the Shipping type.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Flag to show user activation message after user registration.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Preffered country and language

1 year

Magistrat International, d.o.o.


Cookie aggreement (I accept cookies).

1 year

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Coupon popup already shown (indicates that popup sigh up for newsletter was shown to user).

5 years

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Website traffic statistics.

2 years

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Website traffic statistics.

2 years

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Website traffic statistics.

30 minutes

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Website traffic statistics.

When the session ends.

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Website traffic statistics.

10 minutes

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


Website traffic statistics.

6 months

Magistrat International, d. o. o.


These cookies are set by a third party. On our website they place buttons for exchanging information on social media.

2 years

Facebook, Pinterest, Google


YouTube video embed cookie.

10 years



YouTube video embed cookie.

7-8 months



YouTube video embed cookie.

When the session ends.



A profiling cookie.

2 months



A profiling cookie.

1 week



A profiling cookie.

3 months



A profiling cookie.

3 months



A profiling cookie.

3 months



A profiling cookie.

18 months



A profiling cookie.

1 week



A cookie that enables Facebook functions (like, share, comment).

When the session ends.



A cookie that enables Facebook functions (like, share, comment).

When the session ends.



A cookie that enables Facebook functions (like, share, comment).

When the session ends.



A cookie that enables Facebook functions (like, share, comment).

When the session ends.



Target ads on Google sites.

6 mesecev



Google account ID safety cookie.

2 years



Google account ID safety cookie.

2 years



Target ads on Google sites.

1.5 years



Target ads on Google sites.

1.5 years



Target ads on Google sites.

1.5 years



Target ads on Google sites.

1.5 years



Target ads on Google sites.

1.5 years



Target ads on Google sites.

1.5 years



Preference settings for Google services.

8 months



Target ads on non-Google sites.

2 years



Last watched YouTube video cookie.

7 months



YouTube and Maps embed cookie.

7 months



YouTube video embed cookie.

When the session ends.



YouTube video embed cookie..

2 years



YouTube video embed cookie.

3 months



YouTube video embed cookie.

2 years, 1 month



YouTube video embed cookie.

2 years



YouTube video embed cookie.

2 years


How long do we store cookies?

Session cookies are stored in the server's memory only during the visit of the website and are deleted after the closing of your browser. Long-term cookies are permanently stored on your computer so that when you visit our website again, it is clear that you have already visited it and which settings have been preferred to you.

Is it possible to place an order without cookies?

Yes, placing order in our on-line store is also possible without the use of cookies.

How do cookies get disabled or deleted?

Cookies are under the complete control of your browser, and you can change, restrict, disable or permanently delete them in your settings at any time. However, you can also change your cookie settings right away when you visit our site, where in the pop-up window you choose the use of which cookies you allow and of which you do not allow. You can also adjust the cookie settings on this link.